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Tayseer Barakat

Overwhelmed by the ultimate symbol, Tayseer Barakat is an artist, whose works overflow with endless signs from visual art in its different forms to installation.

With deep yearning and longing, Tayseer calls back the divinity of the ancient past to this land preserving the radiance of its history.. From the cannanite premiers to the last of the children now being born in the Jabalia Refugee camp on the east cost of Mediterranean.

Tayseer, who has look his first breath there, digs deep into memory of the place and its eternal weather, first within the geography of the home and then within that of the ocean to say:


Father, do you know what happened to me?


The sea can not lock me behind any door..


There is no mirror for me to break


To spread into visions on the road ahead..


And then he is taken by the self and occupied by the


question and the answers of magic and amazement

As he has been since the floating of the very first boat charged with the mystery of the instant on the surface of the water on the coasts of Gaza. For the artist, the adventure is an anonymous catch of Phoenician sailors living the sea and embracing their mates in the low lands. This glorious image of distant past of what the works of Tayseer inspire taking modern answers from history and adding to it.

In his attempt to reveal the unknown, Tayseer travels far away from the perceived and the intellectual to roam freely within the soul burning into the wood some of the questions of existing and being. As certainty vanishes into its vulnerability, the artist moves away from words, letting free his imagination and dreams to express its legend in color different than all others. A color that does not express itself vividly, but uses logos overflowing with endless signs that have, since the beginning of time, been used by man to overcome worries and concerns through charms and magic.

And today, Tayseer stands at the threshold of primitive true visualization speaking the language of this time defeating the power of matter and subjugating it to a new condition and a new form. Stressing, thus,what is beyond with a code from an unknown world that only lasts for this instant and then disappears and reborn at the same time.

The three- dimensional works of Tayseer made of natural wood using fire takes us to anew space and magic horizons encompassed by mystery that is difficult to recapture. Around this space, people revolve waiting for fate. Charms and spells float within a climate not different from that of a house of a spider. From light and free, the first alphabet of tayseer embarks on its journey into spaces and strings connecting the heaven to the earth, since Tayseer's windows are wide- open to let the air inside and out.

This mystic presence and implicit splendor reveals Tayseer's digression from the prevailing standards of art and knowledge, as he does not recognize the limitation of logical facts.

And as the lover becomes one as he endlessly contemplates the universe, the concepts of time and romance swing in the imagination of the artist. In his work, you do not see the science and technology of today. He cares more about preserving the youthfulness and purity of the idea, than the way to visualize it.

His goal is to materialize the human dimension of art utilizing engineering and chemistry to materialize his drama with the sensitivity of the artist stressing that knowledge is pending and difficult to be achieved, as dream that can never come true.

He plays with the light in dark places but speaks neither of the wildness of the dark nor of brightness of light.

Tayseer leaves for the senses to do as he wishes.

 Khaled Horani ..

تيسير بركات

تيسير بركات ..فنان استبد به الرمز الأول .. وفاض علامات لا تنتهي من بداية التشكيل ومرورا بألوانه المختلفة وليس انتهاء بتجهيز الفراغ وبحنين وشوق عال استدعى (تيسير) المقدس من زمانه العتيق , على هذه الارض المسكونة بالق التاريخ .. منذ الكنعانيين الاوائل وحتى آخر الاطفال وهم يولدون في مخيم جباليا على ساحل المتوسط الشرقي .. وتيسير المولود هناك يحفر عميقا في ذاكرة المكان وطقسه الازلي في حدود جغرافيا البيت اولا والجوارير ومن ثم المحيط وكأنه يقول :-


اتعلم ياابي ما حل بي


لا باب يغلقه علي البحر


لا امرأة اكسرها لتنشر الطريق رؤى امامي

وتسكنه الأنا ويسكنه السؤال واجوبة السحر والدهشة .. فمنذ أول قارب طاش فوق سطح الماء محملا بغموض ساعته عند شواطئ غزة والمغامرة عند الفنان تيسير وكأن اجاباته العصرية تأخذ من التاريخ وتضيف عليه

محاولا تفسير المجهول... يبتعد تيسير عن المدرك والذهني ليهيم في ثنايا الروح مشرعا في النار بعض اسئلة الوجود على الخشب, فأمام اضمحلال اليقين وهشاشته يبتعد الفنان فيه عما يقول كلاما ويطلق للمخيلة والاحلام ان تقول طقسها الاسطوري بلون لا يشبه ابدا ولا يفصح عن ذاته بوضوح برموز معبأة بدلالات لا تنتهي عالج بها الانسان منذ القدم همه وقلقه مولفا اياها بالسحر والتعاويذ والوشم المانع للصواعق

واليوم يقف تيسير عند لحظة التشكيل البدائية الصادقة بلغة العصر .. متجاوزا سطوة المادة ومطوعا اياها لشكل وحالة جديدة .. مؤكدا الماورائي بشيفرة تأتي من عالم مجهول تتركز في اللحظة الآتية كتلاش وميلاد في آن معا

اعمال تيسير ثلاثية الابعاد ... والنافذة بخامة الخشب الطبيعي غير المصنع وبتأثير التار تحملنا الى فضاء جديد وآفاق اسطورية غامضة يكتنفها غياب يصعب استحضاره وتلف عنده الشخوص التي تقف منتظرة قدرها .. تعاويذ وشراذم في مناخ يشبه مناخ بيت العنكبوت من النور والنار تنطلق ابجدية تيسير الاولى مساحات وخيوطا تصل السماء بالارض فنوافذه مشرعة للهواء والاشياء داخل الحجرات وخارجها

هذا الحضور الصوفي والبهاء الممتنع يكشف طلاق تيسير من المقاييس السائدة في الفن والمعرفة وهو لا يدرك الحدود التي تقول بمنطقية الحقائق ... وبتوحد العاشق في التأمل اللامتناهي في الكون يتأرجح عند الفنان مفهوم الزمن وشاعريته .. فلا تبدو في اعماله تكنولوجيا وعلم اليوم منطلقا من حداثة الفكرة وليس من طريقة استعراضها

كل ما يحاول عمله هو تجسيد المضمون الانساني للفن مستخدما الهندسة والكيمياء كأدوات تجسد موضوعه الدرامي الموصوف بحساسية الفنان من ان معرفة الانسان معلقة وبعيدة المنال وكحلم لا يمكن تحقيقه عندما يلعب بالضوء في المناطق الداكنة فهو لا يقول بوحشية السواد وعتمته .. ولا الضوء و فوحته ... يترك للحس وال>هن ان يفعل بتأثيراته المتشعبة كل ما يريد ويكتفي

خالد حوراني

Tayseer ... Who sees The Beauty
"Tayseer Barakat is one of Palestine's most distinguished artists
His work of the past twodecades have earned him respect and
the expectationaht he will continue to contribute to the substantialartistic life of Palestine.
Barakat lives and works in Ramallah and belongsto the organization of Palestinian artists called"al-Rabita."
Barakat hosts a night spot frequented byartists, writers, and other intellectuals.

What distinguishes his work and his aesthetic isthe constant search for the meaning of materials inrelationship to the meaning of the image in his work.

This has led him to explore wood burning, dyes, andfound materials.

Within the search for materials heseeks to build on the history of art in the ArabWorld.
He return to the traditions of the ancientsadapting narrative forms from the ancient Egyptian,Sumarian, and Assyrian art.
Barakat's concerns are contemporary and alwaysconnected to the realities of life in Palestine. Unlike the land in which he live, his mind is notoccupied.

He sees the beauty around him in the facesof the people and in their folk tales."

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